


俄勒冈州的城市, located at the confluence of the Willamette and Clackamas Rivers in NW Oregon, 是落基山脉以西最古老的建制城市. 成立于1829年, 俄勒冈市成立于1844年, 并于1849年成为俄勒冈领地的首府. 这座城市有许多历史悠久的房屋和建筑, and hosts several Interpretive Centers and Museums dedicated to celebrating the Pioneer spirit.


与家庭和社区合作, OCSD empowers students to take ownership of their education and well-being by elevating their voices, and encouraging them to pursue their passions and explore new interests. 


We envision a future in which every student has the opportunity to pursue their aspirations and achieve success while learning in their own ways, and where school culture supports well-being and connection that enables every student to thrive.




Every student has the opportunity to achieve their full potential academically, 社会, 和情感上. We prioritize evidence-based instructional practices and personalized learning to ensure that every student is challenged and supported to reach their goals. 


We recognize that each student is unique and may require different supports to thrive. Therefore, we prioritize individualized care and attention to each student's needs. 为学生的幸福打下坚实的基础, 我们的目标是帮助学生发展技能, 信心, and resilience they need to succeed both in school and beyond.


我们共同促进与家庭的牢固伙伴关系, 社区组织, and local 业务es to promote student success and community engagement. We recognize that education is a community endeavor and seek to collaborate with stakeholders to ensure that every student has the resources and support they need to thrive.


The Board of Directors for the 俄勒冈州的城市 School District is composed of seven publicly elected community members who serve for four-year terms. 董事会成员是全体选举产生的. 除了, three preferential members provide communication between the Board and their respective organizations. These are nonvoting positions and appointments are for one year. A student member is elected through the high school student body election process. Representatives from the Licensed and Classified 工作人员 employee groups are selected by their representative organizations. The 学校董事会 sets district policy to help the district achieve the goal of success for all students; remain compliant with federal, state and local laws; and to maintain fiscal responsibility. The 学校董事会 also hires and supervises the superintendent, whose job is to run the day-to-day operations of the school district and provide educational leadership and vision for teachers and administrators.


俄勒冈州的城市 School District: Oregon's Leader in School Improvement
The 俄勒冈州的城市 School District is a recognized leader in school improvement. 

To view each site's continuous improvement plan, click on the links below:

俄勒冈市高中 offers 31 classes that allow students to earn Advanced College Credit via an agreement with Clackamas 社区 College. The full menu of course offerings includes classes in language arts, 美术及表演艺术, 业务, 社会研究, 专业技术, 外语.

除了高等大学学分计划, 俄勒冈市高中 offers 12 Advanced Placement classes. Advanced Placement is a rigorous academic program with classes that align with college-level standards. Advanced Placement Exams are a critical part of the Advanced Placement experience. Most colleges award college credit to students who score at a 3, 4, 在大学预修课程考试中拿到5分.

高昂的大学学费, college credits earned at 俄勒冈市高中 can be a great way for families to lower the cost of a college education. 有大学学分和AP选项, in recent years several 俄勒冈市高中 students have earned over a year’s worth of college credits prior to graduation



  • Beavercreek: 470

  • Candy Lane (Todos Unidos): 376

  • 加夫尼巷:450

  • 霍尔科姆:530

  • 莱托:N / A

  • 迈克劳林:619

  • Redland: 499

  • 加德纳:672

  • Tumwata: 659

  • OCHS: 1923

  • OCSLA: 111

  • 中美国际学校:368



俄勒冈市学校雇佣了900多名敬业的员工. 我们的员工都有高级证书, degrees and all share a passion for education and collaboration.

The following teachers and administrators have National Board Certification, Doctorate Degree or have earned an equivalent advanced license. 

  • 阿什比,香农

  • 伯纳德,格雷琴

  • 布兰查德,米歇尔

  • 鲍尔斯伯大尼

  • 巴特勒,丹尼尔

  • 查普曼,詹妮弗

  • 双门跑车,布兰登

  • 起重机,萨拉

  • 搅和机,詹妮弗

  • 道森,埃尔莎

  • 玛丽·安·德克尔

  • Eby,安德鲁

  • Ekeren,劳里

  • Engstrom,瑞秋

  • 埃里克森,史黛西

  • Figgins,特蕾莎修女

  • Hedeen,克里斯

  • Hedeen,凯瑟琳

  • 亨利,瓦莱丽

  • 凯特,本

  • 克莱恩,爱德华

  • Kobor,凯萨琳

  • 朗费罗,院长

  • 诺德斯特姆,丽莎

  • 在线旅行社,斯蒂芬妮

  • Pilorget,莎拉

  • 史密斯汤娅

  • 索伦森,汉娜

  • 斯皮策,黛尔

  • Treadwell艾德丽安

  • Trombetta劳拉

  • 凯瑟琳走

  • 白色,克里斯

  • 威利斯,亚伦

  • 狼,斯莱德

  • Yotsuya,梅丽莎


The 家庭教育权利和隐私法(FERPA) is a federal law that affords parents the right to have access to their children's education records, 要求修改记录的权利, and the right to have some control over the disclosure of personally identifiable information from the education records. 当学生年满18岁时, 或在任何年龄进入高等教育机构, the rights under FERPA transfer from the parents to the student ("eligible student"). FERPA法规在20 U.S.C. § 1232g and the FERPA regulations are found at 34 CFR Part 99.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 FERPA网站 或致电1-800-872-5327.

美国家庭政策合规办公室.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20202-8520


《lovebet爱博体育app》 The 《lovebet爱博体育app》 (20 U.S.C. § 1232h; 34 CFR Part 98) applies to programs that receive funding from the U.S. 教育署(教育署). PPRA is intended to protect the rights of parents and students.

更多信息请致电1- 202-2660-3887.

美国家庭政策合规办公室.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20202-592


The 俄勒冈州的城市 School District website re-design project was led by 沟通s.. 网站的托管是由Squarespace管理的. If you have questions or comments about the website or anything internet related feel free to 在这里提交你的反馈.